New posts in characteristic-polynomial

Number of Jordan forms from given characteristic polynomial and partitions

How rank is related to characteristic polynomial of the adjugate matrix?

Matrix is either null or similar to the elementary matrix $E_{2,1}$

If $N^n=0$ but $N^{n-1}\neq 0$, then there is no $n\times n$ matrix $A$ such that $A^2=N$

Finding eigenvalues of a square matrix

Can we deduce the characteristic polynomial for this matrix?

What is the characteristic equation of $a_{n+2}+2a_{n}=0$?

Matrix exponential via Cayley-Hamilton

What do characteristic polynomials characterize?

Is a characteristic polynomial we consider in Linear Algebra a polynomial or a polynomial function?

Roots of minimal and characteristic polynomials

Do characteristic polynomials exhaust all monic polynomials?

Can you find a matrix by its minimal and characteristic polynomials?

Interpreting the Cayley-Hamilton theorem

Characteristic polynomial of companion matrix [duplicate]

Determining a matrix from its characteristic polynomial

Find the characteristic polynomial of the inverse of a matrix

Coefficients of characteristic polynomial of a matrix

Characteristic polynomial of a matrix of $1$'s

Minimal polynomials and characteristic polynomials [duplicate]