New posts in cardinals

Intuitive explanation for how could there be "more" irrational numbers than rational? [duplicate]

Relationship between Continuum Hypothesis and Special Aleph Hypothesis under ZF

Cardinal number subtraction

Do the real numbers and the complex numbers have the same cardinality?

cardinality of all real sequences

Doesn't the unprovability of the continuum hypothesis prove the continuum hypothesis? [duplicate]

Cardinality of a language $L_\Sigma$ over a decidable signature $\Sigma$

The Aleph numbers and infinity in calculus.

Partition of N into infinite number of infinite disjoint sets? [duplicate]

Refuting the Anti-Cantor Cranks

Why is the Continuum Hypothesis (not) true?

Cardinality of the set of all real functions of real variable

Let $A$ be any uncountable set, and let $B$ be a countable subset of $A$. Prove that the cardinality of $A = A - B $

How to show $(a^b)^c=a^{bc}$ for arbitrary cardinal numbers?

Overview of basic results on cardinal arithmetic

What's the cardinality of all sequences with coefficients in an infinite set?

Why is $\omega$ the smallest $\infty$?

Does $k+\aleph_0=\mathfrak{c}$ imply $k=\mathfrak{c}$ without the Axiom of Choice?

Cardinality of a Hamel basis of $\ell_1(\mathbb{R})$

An infinite subset of a countable set is countable