New posts in capybara

Is it possible to test the order of elements via RSpec/Capybara?

How can I see what capybara found in a failing cucumber step?

"undefined method `env' for nil:NilClass" in 'setup_controller_for_warden' error when testing Devise using Rspec

Callback redirect not preserving session

Cucumber and Capybara, clicking a non-link or button element

Cucumber vs Capybara

Multiple Capybara wait times?

Capybara with subdomains - default_host

Cucumber / Capybara -- how to get the host and port of the current execution

Why not use shared ActiveRecord connections for Rspec + Selenium?

How to emulate mouse hover with Capybara

Why does adding "sleep 1" in an after hook cause this Rspec/Capybara test to pass?

Check select box has certain options with Capybara

How do poltergeist/PhantomJS and capybara-webkit differ?

How to fill hidden field with Capybara?

Get select value of dropdown for capybara testing

How to stub ApplicationController method in request spec

Capybara: Select an option by value not text

How do I simulate hitting enter in an input field with Capybara and ChromeDriver?

Capybara: How to test the title of a page?