New posts in capybara

Capybara with :js => true causes test to fail

How do I get the HTML in an element using Capybara?

Unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds (

How do I confirm a javascript popup with Capybara?

With Capybara, how do I switch to the new window for links with "_blank" targets?

How to make Capybara check for visibility after some JS has run?

Error installing gem capybara-webkit

How can I test the page title with Capybara 2.0?

capybara assert attributes of an element

setting request headers in selenium

How to assert number of elements using Capybara with proper error message?

Capybara: How do I fill in a input field by its ID

undefined method `visit' when using RSpec and Capybara in rails

How to test a confirm dialog with Cucumber?

How to use fill_in with find in Capybara (if possible)

How to get parent node in Capybara?

Capybara Ambiguity Resolution

How to find an element by matching exact text of the element in Capybara

ERROR: Error installing capybara-webkit:

How to check a checkbox in capybara?