New posts in cache

Since VFRC feature in VMware is now end of lifed, what can I replace it with?

Windows, why your 8 GB of RAM feel like a few MB?

Ignoring GET parameters in Varnish VCL

Tell the linux kernel to put a file in the disk cache?

Linux cached memory: Over 85% of cached memory and using swap

Scaling large file downloads?

Does Ubuntu store data of external media/drives?

How to get apt to make files in /var/cache/apt/archives always world-readable?

Which is the right way to drop caches in Lubuntu?

Possible to use ureadahead to cache frequently used programs?

Retain cached credentials after rejoin

Tool to create pre-compressed [Brotli] files

Determining the source of memory cache usage

Cache writes on a RAID to SSD and only do one daily commit to HDD

Error headers: ap_headers_output_filter() after putting cache header in htaccess file

Will adding a SSD cache device to my ZFS storage improve performance?

Use Cherokee Instead of nginx in Front of Varnish to Get HTTP 1.1 Optimizations?

Squid proxy not caching anything

Storing plaintext passwords for SVN

Linux: What application is using my ram cache