New posts in binomial-coefficients

Fitting a closed curve on the roots of ${x \choose k}-c$

An identity on binomial coefficients without using explicit formulas

Assume $\alpha, \beta \in \Bbb C,$ such that $\alpha^m = \beta^n = 1$ show that $(\alpha+\beta)^{mn}\in \Bbb R$

Combinatorial explanation for why $n^2 = {n \choose 2} + {n+1 \choose 2}$

Why General Leibniz rule and Newton's Binomial are so similar?

Polynomial in $\mathbb{Q}[x]$ sending integers to integers?

How this operation is called?

Proving $\sum_{k=1}^{n}{(-1)^{k+1} {{n}\choose{k}}\frac{1}{k}=H_n}$

Why does Pascal's Triangle (mod 2) encode the Fermat primes?

Simplify a combinatorial sum [duplicate]

Summation of series involving binomial coefficients and polynomial of degree at most n-1

Variation on Vandermonde's identity

Prove by Double Counting Method $\sum\limits_{k = 0}^m \binom{m}{k}\binom{n}{r + k} = \binom{m + n}{m + r}$ [duplicate]

Is it true that $\lim_{m\to\infty} \sum_{k=0}^{\frac{m-1}{2}} {m\choose{k}}(a^{k+1}(1-a)^{m-k}+a^k(1-a)^{m-k+1})=\min(a,1-a)$?

are there known cases where $\binom{n}{k}$ is a perfect prime power?

Prove a matrix of binomial coefficients over $\mathbb{F}_p$ satisfies $A^3 = I$.

Inequality with Sum of Binomial Coefficients

A binomial identity

Intuition behind sums of sums of whole numbers

Show that $ \sum_{r=1}^{n-1}\binom{n-2}{r-1}r^{r-1}(n-r)^{n-r-2}= n^{n-2} $