New posts in bernoulli-numbers

Original author of an exponential generating function for the Bernoulli numbers?

Continued fraction expansion related to exponential generating function

Proving of the multiplication theorem for Bernoulli polynomial

Cauchy-Ramanujan Formula $ \displaystyle \sum_{\stackrel{m \in \mathbb{Z}}{m \neq 0}} \frac{\coth m \pi}{m^{4p+3}} $

Is $\frac{\zeta (m+n)}{\zeta (m)\zeta (n)}$ a rational number for $m,n\ge 2\in\mathbb N$?

How to evaluate this limit about Bernoulli number?

Help understanding the weak law of large numbers with respect to statistics

Calculating Bernoulli Numbers from $\sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty\frac{B_nx^n}{n!}=\frac x{e^x-1}$

Bernoulli Number analog using Cosine

Bernoulli numbers generating function

Non-trivial zero(s) of Akiyama-Tanigawa triangle

Integral of binomial coefficients

Proving an identity for Bernoulli polynomials

Sum Involving Bernoulli Numbers : $\sum_{r=1}^n \binom{2n}{2r-1}\frac{B_{2r}}{r}=\frac{2n-1}{2n+1}$

A cute approximation for $\cot(2\pi x)$(!?)

A relationship between matrices, bernoulli polynomials, and binomial coefficients

Power series of $x/(1-ae^{-x})$.

What is the simplest way to get Bernoulli numbers?

Explicit formula for Bernoulli numbers by using only the recurrence relation

Bernoulli numbers: comparison to factorials