New posts in automator

How to toggle dark mode on and invert colors using Automator

Call Shell script from Automator on Catalina

Service on Big Sur to start Terminal doesn't work with Finder, works with other apps

Apple Automator (or similar): performing workflow triggered by shutdown?

Variable not defined (AppleScript)

Automatically close Chrome tabs (for certain websites)

Moving multiple subfolder files to parent folder on Mojave?

Service only application

Pass a variable (folder pathway) to AppleScript in Automator

How to automate Voice Control to manipulate the currently selected text?

Using automator or script to turn on wifi in case of ethernet cable failure, and vice versa?

How to automatically rotate images based on EXIF data?

How can I run homebrew from an automation?

Need help adjusting AppleScript automation for converting .pages to .docx?

How to create an option in the Print menu with Automator

How to edit Automator .action files

How can I make Automator ask the user for a destination directory?

Grant "Full Disk Access" to Workflows run via the Services menu

How can I use an Applescript from within a program?

Can I launch the File (Save/Open) Dialog from the command line?