New posts in automator

How to create a service that puts selected text into quotation marks?

Is "Quit others" possible?

Launch app periodically with Automator

How can I run a set of terminal commands using one click?

Copy specific files and keep the subfolder structure

Automator action "Rotate Images" is incredibly memory-intensive

Automator services run with 0.5 second delay

How to automate the wifi login of a captive window?

AppleScript error: “Finder got an error: Network file permission error.”

Using Automator to batch crop with custom coordinates / measurements

Automator: Move files into new subfolder based on file's name

How should I start a new iTerm terminal with shortcut?

Applescript - Close all windows except frontmost window

Is there a simple MacOS Bluetooth Toggle Shell Command?

Making audio calls on iPhone via Automator in macOS Sierra

Why is Automator not working with Spotlight Search?

Applescript or Automator service that automatically trusts certificates

Applescript to output UTC Datetime at cursor without SystemEvents

Automator: Run TextEdit as Root

Choose from list apple script service execution from Safari opens Firefox to display the dialog with list