How can I run a set of terminal commands using one click?

Solution 1:

Running it in an apple script is not that bad. you just have to run the entire script as root because sudo requires user interaction. if you do an apple script like this one:

do shell script "cd ~/Desktop/PopcornTV && /path/to/npm install && /path/to/node atv.js" with administrator privileges 

replace then/path/to/npm and /path/to/node with the output of which npm and which node

it will open up a dialogue and ask you for your password.

Solution 2:

A solution without using Automator:

1. Gathering some details:

  • What is the path to npm? Find out using which npm in
  • What is the path to node? Find out using which node in
  • What is your username? Find using whoami in

All of this is important, make a note of the outputs.

2. Configuring sudo

Let’s now configure sudo to not require you to use a password for those two commands.

In, enter the following:

sudo visudo

You will need to enter your password, though you won’t see any typing as you enter it. Press enter when you’ve completed entering your password.

This will open the /etc/sudoers file for you (probably in vi/vim) press shift+g to go to the bottom of the file, then press o to insert a newline and start inserting text, enter the following:

# Allow me to use npm and node without password
username ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/npm /path/to/node

You will need to replace “username”, “/path/to/npm”, and “/path/to/node” with the details you gathered in section 1.

When you have finished entering these details, save and quit by pressing esc then entering :x then pressing enter.

3. Wrapping it up in a file

Let’s create a file to put those commands in. In enter the following:

echo '#!/bin/bash
cd /Users/username/Desktop/PopcornTV
sudo /path/to/npm install
sudo /path/to/node atv.js' > ~/Desktop/startPopcornTV.command

chmod 740 ~/Desktop/startPopcornTV.command

Again, you’ll need to replace “username”, “/path/to/npm”, and “/path/to/node” with the details you gathered in section 1.

4. Running

On your Desktop you will now have a file called startPopcornTV.command (depending on your setting it might just be called startPopcornTV).

All you need to do now is double click that file and it will start PopcornTV for you.

Solution 3:

I think this should work :

echo "#\n cd Desktop \n cd PopcornTV \n sudo npm install \n sudo node atv.js" >> ~/Desktop/startMyServer.command

then make the command file executable

chmod +x ~/Desktop/startMyServer.command

you will then find the file startMyServer.command on your desktop

Solution 4:

Open up Applescript-Editor

add this:

do shell script "cd ~/Desktop/PopcornTV && /usr/local/bin/npm install && /usr/local/bin/node atv.js" with administrator privileges

Save as an application. Just open it when you want to run.