How to toggle dark mode on and invert colors using Automator

I am using Automator for the first time and I wonder if it possible to create a quick action to toggle dark mode on and invert colors using a shortcut.

I don't know about invert colors, but to quickly toggle Dark/Light Mode, In Automator:

  1. Make a new Application document:

enter image description here

  1. Simply add the chunk for Change System Appearance > Toggle Light/Dark:

enter image description here

  1. Save and name the application somewhere you can easily activate it, such as the Desktop so you can double-click it to toggle Dark Mode. Alternatively, you can simply search for it in Spotlight search and hit Enter to activate it.

I'll also plug a great app I came across called Night Owl, which is a menu bar app that toggles Dark Mode and you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it. This is what I use now after previously using the Automator solution.