New posts in automator

In automator, apple claims you can create a dialog with a progress bar. Is this feasible or outdated?

Ejecting all network drives via Applescript/Automator/Shell?

Automatic conversion between .ps to .pdf upon download onto Mac OSX?

How can I echo shell script in Automator?

Reliable shortcut for non-ASCII text insertion

MacOS Sierra - Automator/Shortcut to disable proxy?

Use Automator to copy multiple folders with different amounts of folders while removing parent folder

Is there a MacOS automation that can detect pixels on screen?

How to force quit and restart a service every hour?

How can I remove leading/trailing whitespace from filenames in Automator?

Find a specific file with automator

Launch XQuartz app via Automator

Automator: Correct syntax for calling an AppleScript file

Shell commands work in Terminal but not in Automator service

Is it possible to schedule my laptop to mute and unmute based on calendar events?

Run script in automator (without terminal)

How can I use Automator Service to create a .zip file from two original files using the same name?

Mac OSX Text to Speech Batch

Running shell commands with Automator: how to create a droplet launching an "exec" command?

What are some good uses of Hazel? [closed]