Ejecting all network drives via Applescript/Automator/Shell?

Solution 1:

I use Automator. I inserted 'Get Specified Finder Items', and named the target disks that I wanted to 'Get'. Only those named get chosen, but network drives do work. I then pipe this to 'Eject Disk'.

That's it.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Easily done by using the -t option of the umount command. From the man page which you can read using man umount:

-t type
             Is used to indicate the actions should only be taken on filesys-
             tems of the specified type.  More than one type may be specified
             in a comma separated list.  The list of filesystem types can be
             prefixed with ``no'' to specify the filesystem types for which
             action should not be taken.  For example, the umount command:

                   umount -a -t nfs,hfs


do shell script "/sbin/umount -a -t nfs,smbfs"

should umount all NFS and Windows/Samba shares mounted.

EDIT: You may also want to use the -f option to force the action. Read the man page for details.

EDIT2: Apologies, umount isn't behaving as advertised, at least on my Snow Leopard. So I'd do it like this remembering to change msdos to your desired filesystem type:

set mounts to {}
set mounts to paragraphs of (do shell script "mount | grep msdos | cut -d ' ' -f3")

# Umount non busy filesystems
repeat with mount in mounts
    set pid to (do shell script "fuser -c " & mount)
    if pid is equal to "" then
        # We use diskutil since classic unix umount cmd needs sudo/password 
        do shell script "diskutil umount " & mount
    end if
end repeat