Is it possible to schedule my laptop to mute and unmute based on calendar events?

Step 1: Automator tasks

Create an Automator task, and save it (take note of the task file location). You probably want a couple Automator tasks in this case (one to mute and one to unmute).

Here's a very basic mute script:

set volume output volume 0

And unmute:

set volume output volume 100

After you've created both Automator task files,

Step 2: Scheduling with

Go to Calendar, add an event when you want to mute. In the choices for the "alert", choose custom and then Open File. Choose the appropriate task file you created.

Do the same for the unmute event and task.

Open Automator app

Click on Calender and find and Drag the Find Calender Events

Select the Event has attendees! (obviously :) !

On left select the Utilities and find drag the set computer volume to the right.

Run a test in Automator to verify the Mute is activated, and save the file.

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