New posts in automation

How can I automatically copy the content of a usb (flash) drive to another directory?

Selenium ChromeDriver makes blank screenshots

Why should I ever use CSS selectors as opposed to XPath for automated testing?

How to make puppeteer do a javascript function

Making sound spectrum images from command line

Automate daily saving of webarchive?

How to restore recent files back to their folders?

Tool to collect and read all linux logs in one place [duplicate]

Automatically (or more easily) reconnect to a screen session after network interruption

Does Ansible offer a way to build/compile on the control node, and then deploy to managed nodes?

Preseeding Ubuntu Server

How to access Microsoft Word existing instance using late binding

How do I run a python script whenever a file is created in a directory?

What are Launchpad packaging recipes and how can I use them?

Quicker way to copy files to a set of different folders for classification purposes

Is there any way to convert a bunch of .ogg files in a folder to .mp3 using ffmpeg?

Automate Application - How to answer a prompt in a batch file

Syntax for Word Automation in C#

Accessing Excel Custom Document Properties programmatically

Terminating a long command and continue the script