New posts in arithmetic

How to solve the problem on income and expenditure? [closed]

Is -5 bigger than -1?

Why does multiplication act like scaling and rotation of a vector in the complex plane? [duplicate]

Expression with last digits different

In the United States, coins have certain thicknesses. If a stack of these coins is exactly $14$ mm high, how many coins are in the stack?

The difference of two coprime composites

$\lfloor (2+\sqrt{3})^n \rfloor $ is odd

Squaring both sides when units are different?

Which is greater: $1000^{1000}$ or $1001^{999}$

Is it possible to calculate the arithmetic mean from the geometric mean?

What's the difference between $3^{3^{3^3}}$ and $27^{27}\;$?

How long to catch up to a stream started 1 hour ago at 1.5x speed?

What's the formula for the 365 day penny challenge? [duplicate]

Explaining why cross multiplication works using a pie

Modulo 2 binary division (XOR not subtracting) method

On the regularity of the alterning sum of prime numbers

Star of David Math Puzzle

Mental $n-$th root of $N$

$ 7\mid x \text{ and } 7\mid y \Longleftrightarrow 7\mid x^2+y^2 $

Request for a proof of the following continued-fraction identity