New posts in appimage

How can I create desktop entry for an AppImage?

How to correctly run AppImage and other programs in /opt?

Updating snap, flatpak and appimage through Ubuntu(Gnome) Software and unified cli?

How should I install this program? Which package type is better? [duplicate]

Failed to register AppImage in system via libappimage - how to fix?

How do I update appimages?

How can I install mathpix tool in ubuntu 20.04 [duplicate]

Etcher appimage not working in Ubuntu20.04

I'm trying to run an AppImage on multipass, but it won't open a window

How does an appimage persist settings between launches?

How do I uninstall a program installed with the Appimage Launcher? [closed]

Can't run an AppImage on Ubuntu 20.04

What is the best way of automaticaly integrating .AppImages with Gnome? [duplicate]

How do I add an AppImage application to favorites in GNOME shell?

Error running AppImage "fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted" on Ubuntu 20.04

Can't run AppImage on desktop by doubleclicking or clicking "Open"

How do I associate a file type with an appimage?

Install App Image such as beaker browser and pin it to dock (favorites) in Ubuntu 20.04?

How can I examine the files inside an Appimage?

How can I extract files from an AppImage?