Install App Image such as beaker browser and pin it to dock (favorites) in Ubuntu 20.04?

To Clarify:

  • install
  • how to add to launcher?
  • how to pin app to dock?

The last two things do not work. The app does not apear any where, you need to launch manually from the appimage file.

Solution 1:

With the Appimage format, you directly run the application by running the appimage file, without installing it into your system. Because there is no installation, the application typically will not install a launcher in your application menu.

If you want the application to appear in the menu, you will need to create a desktop file for it yourself. A .desktop file is a small text file that provides information to your operating system on how to start an application and display it in the menu. If you place your valid .desktop file in .local/share/applications, your menu system automatically will pick it up so you can launch it from there.

Once your custom application appears in your menu, you can also pin it in the normal way.


For example, this is a file ~/.local/share/applications/com.github.qarmin.czkawka.desktop installed to run the AppImage of the Czkawka, a utility to find duplicate files.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Czkawa Duplicate File Finder

The icon file is ~/.local/share/icons/com.github.qarmin.czkawka.svg. It is sufficient to only provide the file base name if the icon is installed in a proper location, here ~/.local/share/icons/.

Actually, the AppImage usually provides a .desktop file and icons, which you can copy to the appropriate location and adapt. To find these files, run the AppImage. An AppImage file actually contains a file system that will be mounted in a temporary folder when you run the application. Learn where this folder is from the output of the command mount. From the line

/home/vanadium/.appimage/linux_czkawka_gui.AppImage on /tmp/.mount_linux_e898NI type fuse.linux_czkawka_gui.AppImage (ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000)

I learn that, this time, my AppImage is mounted on /tmp/.mount_linux_e898NI. Navigate there with your file manager to look for a .desktop and an icon file to use.