How should I install this program? Which package type is better? [duplicate]

I am concerned about something. I would like to install a Password manager called KeepassXC, it's a free and open source community maintained version of KeepassX. I am debating whether to use the .AppImage or the .snap package for the installation process found on their downloads page.

Screenshot 1

I've successfully downloaded and verified the .AppImage package. I thought I remember seeing an article that said that .snap packages are automatically verified when downloaded and installed on your system. Is this true? I understand that .AppImage packages do not require root access to run. Snap packages however do. I also heard that .snap packages are dying and are not very popular since Unity 8 died. Which one is more secure? Does Canonical maintain and review .snap packages? Which one is better in your opinion? I have barely used both of these. I've only downloaded and used a .AppImage and .snap package once so I'm not too familiar or an expert when it comes to these types of packages. I would like to know the difference and pros and cons of these two types of packages security wise. Thanks!

Solution 1:

If you install the snap, you'll get automatic updates whenever the upstream developer pushes a new version to the store. I don't believe appimages auto-update.