New posts in android

Any collaborative tool/website to localize an Android app? [closed]

PreferenceActivity: save value as integer

Force locale for Android flavor with resConfig

Start a new Activity from Fragment

How to make separate class for volley library and call all method of volley from another activity and get response?

Android: How to make device run only one app?

Getting Gradle error "Could not reserve enough space for object heap" constantly in Intellij IDEA

Remove class= attribute

How can I refresh the Gallery after I inserted an Image in android?

Google Maps v2 Marker zOrdering - Set to top

LocalNotification with AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver not firing up in Android O (oreo)

AJAX Request from Phonegap Android fails

onClick event in navigation drawer

Is discard bad for program performance in OpenGL?

Android RemoteViews, how to set ScaleType of an ImageView inside a widget?

How to use the LIMIT argument in an SQLite Query with Android

Android SQLite auto increment

Is it possible to center a layout/view inside CoordinatorLayout?

Using mail and password to authenticate via the REST API [Firebase]

Android Navigation Drawer on top ActionBar