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How to Get EditText maxLength setting in code

how we can remove a file from the assets folder at runtime in android?

Android Gradle DexException: Multiple dex files define Lorg/hamcrest/Description

How do I clear all 45 waves in Big Time Gangsta?

Gradle sync failed: Failed to create parent directory

FLUTTER - Developing an app on a macbook, can you debug on an iPhone AND on an ANDROID (Samsung phone) phone?

How to list additional external storage folders (mount points)?

Malformed calls from JS : field sizes are different [[8,39],[4,0]

Application threads vs Service threads

Finish activity after toast message disappears?

Android GridView with categories?

ViewPager with Navigation architecture components [duplicate]

Intercept POST requests in a WebView

Android Studio: "libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited"

aapt not found under the right path

No and key.alias properties found in

Providing test data for SharedPreferences for Robolectric

Build gradle : Could not find method packagingOptions() for arguments root Project "fasterDev"

How to exclude all files under a directory in Gradle?

Android Camera API ISO Setting?