New posts in android-permissions

error ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs only sometimes, user permission?

How does storage access change on Android 6?

How can I customize permission dialog in Android?

How to check if Android Permission is actually being used? open failed eacces (permission denied) on device

Malformed calls from JS : field sizes are different [[8,39],[4,0]

How to request and check permissions in Flutter

Android 12 not showing correct permissions request screen

Read logs from all apps on android from within an app for android 4.2+

How do I use adb grant or adb revoke?

SecurityException: not allowed to perform OP_READ_PHONE_STATE

Boot BroadcastReceiver does not work on Xiaomi devices

Push notifications (GCM) permission at runtime?

What's the difference between access network state (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE) and WIFI state (ACCESS_WIFI_STATE) permissions?

How Do We Distinguish Never-Asked From Stop-Asking in Android M's Runtime Permissions?

Optional permissions so an app can show on all devices and enable optional features on some? /storage/emulated/0/New file.txt: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

Listing permissions of Android application via adb

Permission denied (missing INTERNET permission?): But permission is given

android - "Exported receiver does not require permission" on receivers meant to receive from system services