New posts in android-manifest

Android Studio 3.0 Manifest Error: unknown element <action> found

How to set my Activity as main activity in android? [duplicate]

Android: how to mark my app as debuggable?

My debug AndroidManifest.xml is giving me "cannot resolve symbol errors"

Possible to use multiple authorities with FileProvider?

How To Find Android Google Play Services Version

About the Full Screen And No Titlebar from manifest

How does the Android repo manifest repository work?

Where can I get a list of Android permissions

Android Studio gets package name wrong when running .apk

User versionName value of AndroidManifest.xml in code

Designing Android apps for tablets

How do i dynamically choose which activity to launch when opening an app

What's the "dot" for when registering an Activity

Manifest merger failed targeting Android 12

Two main activities in AndroidManifest.xml

How to fix INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED in my android application

How is an Intent Service Declared in the Android Manifest?

Using the new "manifestmerger" property in Android

Start android application without activity