New posts in android-manifest

Data directory has no read/write permission in Android

Create System Application

What's the difference between access network state (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE) and WIFI state (ACCESS_WIFI_STATE) permissions?

Usage of android:process

add 'tools:replace="Android:value"' to <meta-data> element at AndroidManifest

What is metadata ? And what is the use of it in android

Is it possible to define a broadcast receiver as an inner class in manifest file? [duplicate]

Android "single top" launch mode and onNewIntent method

Debugging a service

broadcast receiver won't receive camera event

Get android:versionName manifest element in code

WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission error even when added in Manifest

Deep-linking intent does not work

Setting launchMode="singleTask" vs setting activity launchMode="singleTop"

Error type 3: Activity Class {...} does not exist

Getting "debuggable" value of androidManifest from code?

In AndroidManifest: Expecting android:screenOrientation="unspecified"

Android Studio two flavors with different manifest files

android - "Exported receiver does not require permission" on receivers meant to receive from system services

How to autoincrement versionCode in Android Gradle