New posts in android

Run android program as root

Android layouts for different screen sizes

Different row layouts in ListView

Android - how to get or set (print) DPI ( dots per inch ) of JPEG file while loading or saving it programmatically?

Sending SMS via an Intent and know if the SMS has been sent or not

adb - How to reinstall an app, without retaining the data?

Difference between dexopt and dex2oat?

Ubuntu 16.04 ubuntu-make android error: a default framework for category Android was requested where there is none [duplicate]

margin inside the edit text in android

How to draw Arc between two points on the Canvas?

BaseAdapter causing ListView to go out of order when scrolled

How to measure GPS signal strength on Android?

How to get obj key from FirebaseListAdapter on Item Click. FirebaseUI

Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing)

ListView without ListActivity

open a specific activity from firebase notification

Trouble working with the camera in onActivityResult

Send HTTP GET request with header

call activity method from broadcast receiver

How to add views dynamically to a RelativeLayout already declared in the xml layout?