New posts in android

Google Play Services Missing in Emulator (Android 4.4.2)

Dagger2 Custom Scopes : How do custom-scopes (@ActivityScope) actually work?

ClassCastException: RestTemplate returning List<LinkedHashMap> instead of List<MymodelClass>

Dynamically change height of BottomSheetBehavior

App links intent filters in assetlinks.json not working on Android

Android - drag and drop - list rearrange

Is it possible to get number of downloads of an application from Google Play?

How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images?

Android DialogFragment onViewCreated not called

WebView Crash on Android 5-5.1 (API 21-22) Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x2040002

Bad notification posted - Couldn't expand RemoteViews for: StatusBarNotification

If the onComplete call is made for a RxJava Subject, do i have to manually unsubscribe again?

How to fix Android "Connected but no internet" with static IP?

How to automount an Android phone as USB mass storage?

Android "hello world" pushnotification example [closed]

Choosing the right API Level for my android application

Android - ListView slide left/right like Samsung contact ListView

Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc

"Unable to open log device '/dev/log/main': No such file or directory"

onCreate() and onCreateView() invokes a lot more than required (Fragments)