New posts in android-appcompat

Appcompat v21 Toolbar elevation pre-lollipop

Dynamically change height of BottomSheetBehavior

CoordinatorLayout with RecyclerView & CollapsingToolbarLayout

Android: CoordinatorLayout and SwipeRefreshLayout

Android spinner with underline appcompat

Seeing message in logs: "app:theme is deprecated"?

Fixing Error in styles.xml to generate : No resource found name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'

Xamarin Forms Android Error: Please install package 'Android Support Library'

Android Toolbar moves up when keyboard appears

transparent Actionbar with AppCompat-v7 21

"Back button" using getSupportActionbar and appcompat v7 toolbar cannot be cast to

can't resolve AppCompatActivity

When is indeterminate progressbar coming to Android Support Library

How to enable homeAsUp or call setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled() on standalone toolbar with appcompat v21

CoordinatorLayout using the ViewPager's RecyclerView

Android v21 Theme.Appcompat color accent is ignored, no padding on dialogs

How to fix: "You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity"

How to implement NestedScrolling on Android?

Android SearchView setOnActionExpandListener doesn't work