New posts in android-service

Bad notification posted - Couldn't expand RemoteViews for: StatusBarNotification

How to keep a service running in background even after user quits the app? [closed]

Minimal android foreground service killed on high-end phone

Samsung "App optimisation" feature kills background applications after 3 days

Create only one instance of Service (Android)

Can I get data from shared preferences inside a service?

Check if Activity is running from Service

Shared preferences between two processes of the same application

How to restart service after the app is killed from recent tasks

Update Fragment UI from background service

How to start a service in Oncreate without button Onclick ,but it should be stopped using button

What is the difference between a background and foreground service?

Why does my Android service get restarted when the process is killed, even though I used START_NOT_STICKY?

Restart the service even if app is force-stopped and Keep running service in background even after closing the app How?

Internet listener Android example

Cannot keep android service alive after app is closed

java.lang.RuntimeException: WakeLock under-locked C2DM_LIB

Android java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered

How does doze mode affect background/foreground services, with/without partial/full wakelocks?

Debugging a service