New posts in android-service

Download multiple files with a progress bar in ListView Android

Can I call stopSelf() in Service.onStartCommand?

Is there any way to run service continuously?

Control the default music player of android or any other music player

Android 9.0: Not allowed to start service: app is in background.. after onResume()

BoundService + LiveData + ViewModel best practice in new Android recommended architecture

Android Broadcast Receiver vs Service [duplicate]

How to monitor SIM state change

How to run CountDownTimer in a Service in Android?

Launch Android application without main Activity and start Service on launching application

Is an android service guaranteed to call onDestroy()?

When using an Android bound service type, can the Server (service) initiate a request to the Client (Activity)?

Reasons that the passed Intent would be NULL in onStartCommand

Android RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate the service

How to startForeground() without showing notification?

Differences between Intent and PendingIntent

How to simulate touch from background service with sendevent or other way?

How to always run a service in the background?

Android onCreate or onStartCommand for starting service

How to find the currently running applications programmatically in Android?