New posts in android-fragments

multiple layout viewpager with one fragment

Disable swiping between tabs

Using LocalBroadcastManager to communicate from Fragment to Activity

Android - EditText gives IndexOutOfBounds Exception while using textAllCaps

Call a Fragment method from an Adapter

Fragment duplication on Fragment Transaction

Non Deprecated findPreference() Method? - Android

How do I change the view inside a fragment?

How can I switch between two fragments, without recreating the fragments each time?

Supertype initialization is impossible without primary constructor

Retain the Fragment object while rotating

Android FragmentTransaction commit When?

How to switch between fragments during onclick?

Saving Fragment state in ViewPager

incompatible types: HomeFragment cannot be converted to Fragment in Android

getParentFragment returning null

Pass touches to the view under

What is the use case for a Fragment with no UI?

Actions in onActivityResult and "Error Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState"

Hide keyboard when navigating from a fragment to another