New posts in android-appcompat

How can I modify ripple color when using ?attr/selectableItemBackground as background?

show icon in actionbar/toolbar with AppCompat-v7 21

Android Lollipop, AppCompat ActionBar custom view doesn't take up whole screen width

Embedding ads within Recyclerview

Creating a SearchView that looks like the material design guidelines

how to change actionbar's menu item text color in material design

How to use and style new AlertDialog from appCompat 22.1 and above

Material Design not styling alert dialogs


Flinging with RecyclerView + AppBarLayout

How to implement DrawerArrowToggle from Android appcompat v7 21 library

Cannot resolve symbol 'Theme' in styles.xml (Android Studio)

How to add button tint programmatically

Toolbar and Contextual ActionBar with AppCompat-v7

Remove title in Toolbar in appcompat-v7

What's the enhancement of AppCompatActivity over ActionBarActivity?

Android transparent status bar and actionbar

USE_FINGERPRINT is deprecated in API level 28

No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:keyboardNavigationCluster'. when updating to Support Library 26.0.0

Why does Eclipse automatically add appcompat v7 library support whenever I create a new project?