New posts in algorithms

Smallest positive integer that is not coprime to any member of a set of integers

How to compare products of prime factors efficiently?

Median of distinct numbers

Which is asymptotically larger: $\lg(\lg^* n)$ or $ \lg^*(\lg n)$?

Minimum distance of a binary linear code

Proof of clockwise towers of Hanoi variant recursive solution

What is the most efficient algorithm to find the closest prime less than a given number $n$

Finding smallest circle enclosing all points given their $x,y$-coordinates?

Efficiently find the generators of a cyclic group

What is linear programming?

Iterative refinement algorithm for computing exp(x) with arbitrary precision

General McNugget problem

Is there a fast divisibility check for a fixed divisor?

Algorithm for creating binary rational numbers

Algorithms for finding the multiplicative order of an element in a group of integers mod m

Solving very large matrices in "pieces"

Can someone explain the algorithm for composition of cycles?

What is the best play strategy for a game called "21"?

Algorithms for approximating $\sqrt{2}$

How do you determine if a point sits inside a polygon?