New posts in algebraic-geometry

Intersection of open affines can be covered by open sets distinguished in *both*affines

Ideal of the twisted cubic

Elliptic Curves and Points at Infinity

on the adjointness of the global section functor and the Spec functor

Intersection of twisted cubics in $\mathbb{P}^3$

Is there an exposition of complex analysis firmly separating the algebra, analysis, and topology?

Connectedness of the spectrum of a tensor product.

Picard group of product of spaces

Irreducibility of Polynomials in $k[x,y]$

Geometric meaning of primary decomposition

Material in a first course in algebraic geometry?

Where can I find good exercises for algebraic geometry that require hard, concrete computation?

What is algebraic geometry?

Interesting implicit surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Completion of local ring

Deligne, elliptic curves and modular forms

Chern classes and sums of line bundles

Sufficient conditions for $\operatorname {Spec} f$ to be closed

Irreducible plane curve of degree $d>2$ with a point $P$ of multiplicity $d-1$ is rational

Prove that $k[x,y,z,w]/(xy-zw)$, the coordinate ring of $V(xy-zw) \subset \mathbb{A}^4$, is not a unique factorization domain