New posts in algebraic-geometry

What is the line bundle $\mathcal{O}_{X}(k)$ intuitively?

Complex algebraic group is reductive $\iff$ it is the complexification of a compact Lie group?

seeing the differential dx/y on an elliptic curve as an element of the sheaf of differentials

Automorphism group of the elliptic curve $y^2 + y = x^3$

how much differential structure can we put on countable manifolds?

Why simply transitivity deduces the morphism has degree $1$? [duplicate]

Saturated sets and A-algebras [duplicate]

Prerequisites for Algebraic Geometry

Local vs. global in the definition of a sheaf

Is there a coherent sheaf which is not a quotient of locally free sheaf?

Localization at a prime ideal is a reduced ring

Exact sequence of sheaves with non exact sequence of global sections

Is every complex (smooth) manifold a scheme?

Can a discrete valuation ring be finitely generated over a field?

Surjective closed morphism of schemes induces inequality of dimensions

Riemann surfaces are algebraic

Complex analysis book for Algebraic Geometers

An irreducible polynomial $f \in \mathbb R[x,y]$, whose zero set in $\mathbb A_{\mathbb R}^2$ is not irreducible

Hartshorne exercise III.6.2 (b) - $\mathfrak{Qco}(X)$ need not have enough projectives

Calculating (co)limits of ringed spaces in $\mathbf{Top}$