New posts in algebraic-geometry

Trying to understand the use of the "word" pullback/pushforward.

Why are locally closed subschemes not open subschemes of closed subschemes?

Structure ring of constant group scheme.

Isomorphism of schemes over a DVR is determined by the isomorphism over its generic fiber?

$\operatorname{Spec}\mathbb{K}[x,y,z]/\langle x^2-yz \rangle$ is normal and singular

How to determine the group structure of $E(\mathbb{R})$ for an elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{R}$

Zariski Tangent Space and $k[\varepsilon]/\varepsilon^2$

Vector Bundle Locally Free Sheaf

Why are skew-symmetric matrices of interest?

Why is a smooth connected scheme irreducible?

Variety vs. Manifold

Finding generators of toric ideals

Is skyscraper sheaf quasi-coherent?

For which $n$ is $\mathbb{A}^n\setminus \{0\}$ an affine variety?

What is an example of two k-algebras that are isomorphic as rings, but not as k-algebras?

Projective space is not affine

Pushout results in a nodal curve

Why are affine varieties except points not compact in the standard topology on $C^n$ ?

Twisted sheaf $\mathcal{F}(n)$.

Why is the line at infinity one-dimensional?