New posts in algebraic-geometry

Intersection of cones tangent to a common sphere

Extending regular function on normal variety from a subvariety of codimension 2

Definition of tamely ramified

Analog of Vandermonde determinant for fitting a quadratic form?

$\mathbb A^n(k)$ and $\mathbb A^n(k)\setminus \{0\}$ are not homeomorphic

Hartshorne II prop 6.9

Local Ring of a Subvariety (problem 1.3.13 in Hartshorne)

Is there anything to be learned from the spectrum of a cohomology ring?

Is there a "Coalgebra - Cogeometry" duality? Good opposite of a category of coalgebras?

Intuition behind definition of Stable Bundles?

Uniformly solvable families of polynomials

Is there a more elementary proof of this special case of Riemann-Roch?

Is it possible that the product of two non-affine schemes becomes affine?

Computing the dimension of a ring [duplicate]

maximal linear subspaces contained in the cone over the Clifford torus.

$\mathbb{C}[x,y]/(f,g)$ is an artinian ring, if $\gcd(f,g)=1$. [closed]

References: Grothendieck Groups of Spaces and Varieties

How do I formally show that the Zariski tangent space of the intersection of two closed subschemes is the intersection of the tangent spaces?

Finding basis which is non stable under finite intersection

Confusion about Positive Curvature in Holomorphic Bundles.