New posts in album-art

iTunes suddenly will not let me add manually album art

Smaller Album artwork in iTunes

Embed album art in MP3 file

How do I get my iTunes "Album Artwork" to add to the individual files instead of "~/Music/iTunes/Album Artwork/"

How to remove embedded album covers from mp3 files via commandline

How to remove album art from a file in Windows Media Player 12

Universally fix/re-embed embedded album art?

Remove all album art images in multiple mp3 from multiple directories in single process [closed]

Album art not syncing to iPhone for playlists

Any OSX tool to batch remove (or convert) embedded album artwork in MP3 files?

Can I set custom album artwork that isn't included in one of the songs?

How to make sure album art shows up everywhere (Mac & iPhone) while using iTunes Match?

How can I show the Cover Art window in iTunes 11?

How can I extract Album Art from a track?

How does iTunes make its decision as to what artwork to provide?

What's the easiest way to update album art?

Embed album art in OGG through command line in linux

Can iTunes find all songs with no Album Art?