How to remove embedded album covers from mp3 files via commandline

I want to remove the embedded album cover from mp3 files using only Windows command line.

What I've tried

  • Tried ExifTool: Unfortunately the tool can only read (not write) mp3 tags as the author answered
  • Tried meta mp3: The help doesn't helped me enough. Maybe some others do understand the tool?
  • Tried tag.exe: Again the help doesn't help me and again maybe others know the right syntax

Q: How to remove embedded album covers from mp3 files via commandline?

Solution 1:

Here are some more utilities to try :

Tag (can only remove all tags)
ID3 Mass Tagger with its review

Solution 2:

  • foobar2000
    • foobar2000.exe /context_command:"Remove all pictures" "example.mp3"
  • ID3 Mass Tagger
    • id3.exe -2 -rAPIC "example.mp3"

Solution 3:

Would using a Python-based tool be out of question? It looks like a command-line tool named "eyeD3" does what you want. Here's the documentation for the plug-in that does a lot of MP3 tag operations for eyeD3:

  --remove-image DESCRIPTION: Remove image matching DESCRIPTION.
  --remove-all-images   Remove all images from the tag

If this doesn't have to be from the command line, I read that a tool called Mp3Tag can remove album art as well: