New posts in adverb-position

"currently is a ..." or "is currently a ..."

Where should I place the adverb?

Position of "now" in a sentence [closed]

I hardly dared breathe

"We just need to rename" or "We need just to rename" [duplicate]

"How best to handle" vs. "how to best handle"

should be always or should always be? [duplicate]

Word order "I always should test..." vs "I should always test..."

Is there a difference between "Who necessarily do not exist" or "who do not exist necessarily"?

What do adverbs modify and can it be ambiguous?

"may even have" or "may have even"?

have still to vs still have to

She acted as though she was subtle. She never was subtle. Or: She was never subtle [duplicate]

Adverb position in "Listen carefully to what I say" [closed]

Putting adverbs such as "on Wednesday" in the beginning and at the end of sentences

Position of the word ‘just’

Differences between "just might" and "might just?"

Does the position of the adverb in a sentence change anything?

It is grammatically correct to have an adverb both before and after a verb? [closed]

Do they "only support" or "support only"? [duplicate]