New posts in additive-combinatorics

Maximal cardinality of Sidon set

If an infinite set $S$ of positive integers is equidistributed, is $S+S$ also equidistributed?

Learning roadmap for additive combinatorics

Is the Green-Tao theorem a consequence of the Euler's theorem?

Special subdivision of numbers from 1 to 99

If a finite set tiles the integers, must it be an arithmetic progression?

Constructing arithmetic progressions

An old question about sumsets and difference sets

Is every prime the average of two other primes?

Sumset that covers $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$.

A problem in additive number theory.

About translating subsets of $\Bbb R^2.$

Number of vectors so that no two subset sums are equal

What is $\tau(A_n)$?

Question about additive combinatorics proof regarding probability estimate

Application of Ruzsa's covering lemma to iterated sum sets

Sum of two squares modulo p