New posts in activerecord

Check if record was just destroyed in rails

Get only records created today in laravel

Use a scope by default on a Rails has_many relationship

Rails 3 devise, current_user is not accessible in a Model ?

Rails: Order with nulls last

Altering the primary key in Rails to be a string

Clean way to find ActiveRecord objects by id in the order specified

Active Record - Find records which were created_at before today

How to implement has_many :through relationships with Mongoid and mongodb?

validation custom message for rails 3

Deprecation warning when using has_many :through :uniq in Rails 4

Check if record exists from controller in Rails

Alias for column names in Rails

Setting session timeout in Rails 3

How to get the original value of an attribute in Rails

In rails, how can I find out what caused a .save() to fail, other than validation errors?

How do I turn on SQL debug logging for ActiveRecord in RSpec tests?

how to add records to has_many :through association in rails

Saving multiple objects in a single call in rails

Rails find record with zero has_many records associated [duplicate]