New posts in activerecord

Join multiple tables with active records

How does Rails ActiveRecord chain "where" clauses without multiple queries?

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG InFailedSqlTransaction

Rails: what does schema.rb do?

Grouping WHERE clauses in Codeigniter

Rails - Best-Practice: How to create dependent has_one relations

ActiveRecord: How to get all attributes of a model that can be mass-assigned?

"Order by" result of "group by" count?

COUNT / GROUP BY with active record?

Correct datatype for latitude and longitude? (in activerecord)

Remove duplicate records based on multiple columns?

How to add an ORDER BY clause using CodeIgniter's Active Record methods?

Best practice about empty belongs_to association

Regular expressions with validations in RoR 4

Update one column to value of another in Rails migration

How do i specify and validate an enum in rails?

How to query a model based on attribute of another model which belongs to the first model?

What exactly is Arel in Rails 3.0?

LEFT OUTER joins in Rails 3

Using ActiveRecord, is there a way to get the old values of a record during after_update