New posts in abstract-algebra

What are the three non-isomorphic 2-dimensional algebras over $\mathbb{R}$?

Permutation Representations and Group Actions

In a field extension, if each element's degree is bounded uniformly by $n$, is the extension finite?

Structure of simple group of order 168 just via Sylow theory (fix for Math Doctor Bob)

Does this almost-group uniquely define a group?

Isomorphism of sets

Linear independence of $n$th roots over $\mathbb{Q}$

Bourbaki Proof of Zorn's Lemma in Lang's Algebra

Isomorphism of rings implies isomorphism of vector spaces?

Equivalent characterizations of faithfully exact functors of abelian categories

understanding the commutator of dihedral group [duplicate]

Automorphisms of a Cyclic Group

$A \longrightarrow \text{Im} f$ is an epimorphism and a cokernel of ker $f \longrightarrow A$ in every abelian category

Why is there no solution with radicals for the quintic equation $x^5-x+1=0$? [closed]

gcd in principal ideal domain

Suppose $K/F$ is a Galois extension of degree $p^m$. Then there is a chain of extensions $F \subseteq F_1 \subseteq \cdots F_m = K$ each of degree $p$

Proof that a certain domain is a valuation ring

How do I see that every left ideal of a square matrix ring over a field is principal?

What does "characteristic" mean in mathematics?

$R/I$ is not Noetherian. Prove that $I$ is a prime ideal.