New posts in absolute-value

How does the triangle inequality work for $|x-y|$?

Proof of $ |a-b| = |b-a| $

Derivatives of functions involving absolute value

Proving an interesting property of absolute values: $\frac{|x+y|}{1+|x+y|}\le\frac{|x|}{1+|y|}+\frac{|y|}{1+|y|}$ [duplicate]

Proof for inequality with absolute values: $\frac{|x+y|}{1+|x+y|} \leq \frac{|x|}{1+|x|} + \frac{|y|}{1+|y|}$

Question regarding usage of absolute value within natural log in solution of differential equation

Defining $|x|=-1$

How prove this inequality: $\sum_{i,j=1}^{n}|x_{i}+x_{j}|\ge n\sum_{i=1}^{n}|x_{i}|$? [duplicate]

what does $|x-2| < 1$ mean?

Absolute value and max/min function: why $a + b + |a - b|=2\max(a,b)$? [duplicate]

How to prove $|\sum_{i=1}^n a_i|\le \sqrt{n} \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n a_i^2}$

Given $P(x)=x^{4}-4x^{3}+12x^{2}-24x+24,$ then $P(x)=|P(x)|$ for all real $x$

Show that $|b-a|\geq|\cos a-\cos b|$ for all real numbers $\,a\,$ and $\,b$

Finding all solutions to the equation $|||||x|-1|-1|-1|-1|=0$

Solving $|x-2| + |x-5|=3$ [duplicate]

When does the equality hold in the triangle inequality? [duplicate]

Why does $\sqrt{x^2}$ seem to equal $x$ and not $|x|$ when you multiply the exponents?

Valuation ideal on non-archimedean field is a principal ideal?

Should I use np.absolute or np.abs?

Fastest way to compute absolute value using SSE