New posts in 64-bit

Ubuntu 64-bit "Failed to fetch file [..] binary-i386/Packages" error while updating apt repos

How to make Android apps which support both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture?

How much benefit does increasing memory RAM have on the system?

On PCIe 1.0, does a 64 bits graphic card could be compatible with 32 bits OS (Windows 7 32bits)

Should I run 32 bit and 64 bit production applications on a 64 bit Debian server?

Can I get Memcached running on a Windows (x64) 64bit environment?

Why 2.66 GB usable in 4 GB ram? [duplicate]

Virtualization: 64-bit or 32-bit?

How do I detect which kind of JRE is installed -- 32bit vs. 64bit

In which version(s) did macOS transition from 32-bit to 64-bit?

How do I install Draftsight CAD?

How do I install gcc 4.8.1 on Ubuntu 13.04? shared lib error in ubuntu 64 bit system

Can't get IIS Express 8 beta to run website as 64-bit process

Can I run a 64-bit VMware image on a 32-bit machine?

2 Internet Explorer (32 bit) processes taking up CPU

Determine if current PowerShell Process is 32-bit or 64-bit?

Windows 7 64 bit not booting with Intel iMac (Mid-2007 model)

How can I force the 32-bit version of the remote desktop client to run on 64 bit Vista?

Wine won't follow Symbolic links