New posts in 32-bit

Up-to-date distros supporting 32-bit i586/non-PAE, specifically for ALIX boards (AMD Geode) [closed]

How to make an extremely old app run on 64bit Windows? [duplicate]

ASP.NET cache trimming aware of app pool memory limit?

Installing 32-bit Wine 1.7.19 on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 [duplicate]

Can't go to App Compatibilty

64 bit OS and VPN software

How to cross-compile an existing deb package from 64bit to 32bit architecture

Does Snow Leopard provide Java 6 for 32-bit machines?

Why is it so that 32 bit is limited to 4 GB RAM but it can easily support 1 TB HDD's? [closed]

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS installer crashes

32-bit Ubuntu or 64-bit w/Intel Atom D510 w/4GB RAM?

How can I install both 32bit and 64bit LibreOffice?

Only 1 GB of RAM. Should I go for 32-bit Lubuntu, or 64-bit?

SetWindowsHookEx failing in .NET 4.0 on 32-bit machine with "module not found"?

Check if 32 or 64-bit Windows OS via registry [duplicate]

Upgrading ubuntu 12.04 32 bit to 64 bit [duplicate]

32 bit windows max ram with discrete graphics card

ASUS T100TA - How I can install Windows 7

Confused between 32 bit OS and 64 bit OS

Steam not working on Ubuntu 20.04