New posts in pae

How do I install a non-PAE kernel on PAE-enabled hardware for Ubuntu 12.04?

Does 32-bit PAE with more than 4GB RAM improve speed?

Intel Core i3 CPU is not 64 bit?

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit does not detect 4Gb ram

OOM killer despite lots of free memory on PAE kernel

Will the performance of my Laptop increase if I migrate from Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit to 16.04 64 bit?

Why is 12.04 using a PAE dependent kernel by default?

32 bit windows max ram with discrete graphics card

How to replace a PAE kernel with non PAE Kernel?

I get two kernel updates, one for Generic and one for Generic-PAE

Can 32-bit Linux use all 4 GB of RAM without a PAE kernel?

What processors do/do not support PAE?

How do I find out if PAE is enabled?

Running out of LowMem with Ubuntu PAE Kernel and 32GB of RAM

For a 32-bit kernel, what are the pros/cons of PAE vs. non-PAE?

Can I install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a laptop without pae? [duplicate]

Enable PAE for Windows 10 pro to use more than 4 GB RAM

Why does the "free" command and "dmidecode" show different values for RAM?

How can I tell if a machine has PAE?

Windows XP + PAE + 6GB RAM: See more than 3.5GB?