New posts in 12.04

12.04 wired network doesn't work RTL8111/8168B

Ubuntu 12.04 boots to TTY1

Installing Steam [duplicate]

XAMPP opt/lmapp/lampp start script is doing nothing

How can i uninstall QtCreator 2.6.1 from 12.04?

Unable to insall libgtk2.0-dev on ubuntu 12.04

How do I fix the mouse after pairing with Bluetooth?

Can i Install Ubuntu on my SDCARD and improve performance?

Problems in LibreOffice Writer when saving as .docx

how do I remove the last connected users from the lightdm greeter list

How to solve bleaching Krusader?

How to change web browser's tab bar background color or image?

How to install xfce 4.12 on ubuntu 12.04

How do I get a CPU frequency scaling monitor on 12.04?

Unable to resolve dependency for libpango-1.0-0 in 12.04

Which window manager offers the best stability?

internet access problem in 12.04

How can I extract images from a video? [closed]

How to get ALT+B and ALT+L to work in the terminal?

installArchives() failed: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.