How to get ALT+B and ALT+L to work in the terminal?
I'm used to the terminal hot-keys Alt+B to move forward one word and Alt+L to move back one word. However, in the new Unity of Ubuntu 12.04, this doesn't seem to work as holding Alt and pressing B instead open the Help menu.
I have been looking around, but to no avail. I was wondering if anyone else has this issue as well?
There's another way around this: you have to turn off "Menu Access Keys".
Open the terminal window, go to "edit->keyboard shortcuts" and unselect the first check box "Enable menu access keys (Such as Alt+F to open the File menu)".
After you unselect this, close and reopen Terminal and you should be able to use Alt+F/Alt+L/Alt+B to move by word.
After much plowing around for about a day or so, I've finally found a solution to the question. Here's how to use the key combinations:
Hold down the Super Key (on most PC systems, this is what is known as the 'windows' key) and then use ALT+B and ALT+L.
This is the way it is designed to work in Ubuntu 12.04.
Cheers, Vern