How do I get emacs to open in the terminal when it is being used as the config editor?

Solution 1:

From @steeldriver comment:

git config --global core.editor "emacs -nw"

Solution 2:

Most utilities, including git respect an environment variable named EDITOR which you can set to any editor you want, including options. export EDITOR='emacs -nw' will have them run emacs in non windowed mode.

In the case of emacs, it has a handy server mode you can start with M-x server-start and then run emacsclient as an editor to open a file in the already running emacs instance. This is handy since it allows you to retain access to the emacs kill ring and other features. It also accepts the -nw switch so that it will open a new emacs frame in the terminal window rather than in the gui emacs frame, so it will still look and feel like a text mode emacs session, but still share the kill ring and buffers with the other window(s).